Fourth Interview with Our Man in Kiev: Dmytro Fedorenko


When we spoke to Dmytro for the first time none of us could foresee which turn history would take and that more interviews would follow. Adrian Shephard and I (Rinus van Alebeek) connected via skype. Our first interview was when the protests on Maidan intensified and big black clouds of burning tires were obscuring parts of Kiev.

The second interview was after the killings; the third one day after the “referendum” in Crimea.

Everyone who follows the news will notice that there is a great information war going on. There is constant talk between Russia and US. The EU cannot decide. Germany slowly retreats and NATO is showing some muscles.

In the east of Ukraine Russian “tourists” and pro-Russians try to destabilize the political and social situation so that the Kremlin has an excuse to come for the rescue.

Dmytro Fedorenko is born and raised in Kiev; he was active in the Maidan uproar, now lives and prepares for the worst possible scenario. He follows the most obscure Russian blogs and is probably more informed then your average journalist.

Thursday 10. April 13:00 Berlin time (-6 in Washington DC, +1 in Kyiv, +3 in Moscow +10 in Wladiwostok -10 in Alaska) Live Interview with Dmytro Fedorenko in Kiev