Alan Dunn – The tenantspin archives, volume 1: SuperBlock

Alan Dunn has given us two programs that were centred around heroic moments, nostalgia and a sense of immortality. These were abstract radio-plays that could serve as a soundtrack to a movie set somewhere in the late 80s. It sounded like a picture book as well. Above all, it was high-rising collage.

The new program by Alan Dunn, Superblock is more down to earth. Songs sung in the pub around the corner, working class post-heroes, happy tea hours at home and voices in desolate spaces slowly built up to the image of a nearby future, almost visible at the other side of the horizon.

Alan Dunn’s official blurb:

“These recordings are from Alan Dunn’s archive of the tenantspin project originally set up in 1999 between Superflex and the Foundation for Art & Creative Technology in Liverpool. Existing as a ground-breaking and influential community media project, tenantspin invited elderly high-rise tenants from across Liverpool to create new content with a range of artists, writers, musicians and technologists. Volume 1 consists of excerpts from tenantspin CD and radio broadcasts led by Dunn, including ‘SuperBlock’, a sci-fi drama co-written by tenants and Jeff Young and set in the year 2040.”

Alan Dunn incomplete archive

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