The Click Opera Experience – Interview with Nick Currie aka Momus during his Berlin years

In 2009 there was no war in Syria, there were no refugees and the populists and their masses weren’t storming the gates of democracy as they do now. There were no ISIS terrorists, Gadaffi was still alive, and so was David Bowie. Brexit was a word noone had ever heard of, and Donald Trump…wasn’t that the guy from the Trump tower, or something? Obama was in his first year, Neukölln hadn’t been gentrified yet, and Radio On was funded by the Dutch crown.

The big bang that shook the world was the bank crisis. We have had a crisis ever since, so that didn’t change.

In February 2009 we spoke with Nick Currie in Loophole in Berlin. Also Loophole looked different in those days. One of Nick’s activities was to maintain his blog, Click Opera, which he described as an ongoing thought process. Read the farewell entry here. He wrote about his Berlin experiences, fashion, design, politics, architecture, Japan, economics and much, much more. Some of these items were discussed during those 150 minutes. Momus spoke also about his career, his song writing, and about well…you will know who, when you are halfway through the show. Some side comments come from Markus Schwill, who came as a guest to the studio. Man in the background, at the other side of the ‘PING’ is Harold Schellinx.

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