February -14 hours of found tapes- Harold Schellinx’s Très Grande Collage

During the month of February we transmit Harold Schellinx’s Très Grande Collage.
On several days in the months you can tune in to fourteen hours of found tape sounds. Harold has been collecting snippets of tapes that had escaped the cases for some reason and ended up in the gutter, on the pavement, or as Harold says:”distinct magnetic audio tapes, some of them still more or less intact, but most of them reduced to clods, knots and wads, that I picked up from the shoulders of highways, from pavements and lawns, that I fished out of gutters, covered in dust, mud and dog’s shit, that I untied from branches in bushes and trees, where once they got caught, trapped, shredded and torn, where they were worn, warped and wasted by rain, wind, sand and pollution.”

Read more about Harold Schellinx’s Très Grande Collage.

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