Interview – Jason Honea talks with Jared Hasselhoff and Curtis

On his live show, Brave Ear Radio, Jason Honea talked with Jared Hasselhoff and Curtis. The latter a Berlin kid trying to avoid talking about hip-hop while giving insight in the street credibility of German and Berlin rap. He also gives insight in his musical formation during his earliest youth when his father took an AC/DC album out of an Elvis sleeve and introduced him to The King, an experience that was crucial for his musical career.

photo jared+kurt

Jared Hassellhoff opens the show with an avalanche of stories, joyously told, contageously for his enthusiasm, aligned with trash culture, that bring hilarious moments with the Mennonites in Pennsylvania, porn stars in San Francisco and a concrete factory in Philadelphia, the city of Rocky Balboa where Jared, the illegitimate son of David H. was born and grew up.

photo jared + jason

Get ready for two hours of highly entertaining story-telling, masterly guided by Jason Honea.


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