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Adrian Shephard and Rinus van Alebeek did a Tape Review Show on the last day of 2020, a few hours before the last sunset of the year. You need to wait at least twenty minutes to hear the tape, which is called The Joy of Isolation, released by Aural Detritus. Well, it takes twenty-two minutes and twenty-two seconds before the play button activates the tape machine.
Until that time the existence of different time zones, the Greenwich meridean line, Brexit, various approaches of woke-ism, slavery, Brexit again are discussed.
At minute thirty-two the track finishes and a discussion follows while fireworks explode in the background.
They consult the Book of Prediction.
Rice pudding, Pierre Lachaise. Fall in love, why fall? Gravity?
I think and maybe I am. Post-Descartian Love.
Rutsch. Slip.

B-side at 44 minutes, almost, first there is a wow and flutter investigation. B-side starts at 47.30 minutes.
Normally New Year. Clever Poles cross the border.
Protect your ears.
Rutsch again.
Berlin, rebel city.
Discussing religious calendars.
Readings from the Book, Never have a bad day ever again.
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